Case Study - How Mark3D UK used Keskidee Marketing’s outsourced marketing services to get their lead generation activities off to a flying start!

How Mark3D UK used Keskidee Marketing’s outsourced marketing services to get their lead generation activities off to a flying start!



Mark 3D UK was a new business, exclusively selling Markforged 3D printers and accompanying products. They didn’t have a dedicated resource to drive their marketing activities forwards to achieve their goals. This led them to outsource their marketing to Keskidee Marketing who enabled them to achieve treble digit growth.


Treble Digit Growth
Large number of event attendees resulted in a purchase
100% Peace of Mind

Company Details

Mark3D UK is an award-winning Markforged Reseller of high-end 3D printers. They focus exclusively on Markforged 3D printers and supply, install and support the full range across the UK as well as their print materials, software and accessories. Mark3D UK are industry experts, boasting a wealth of CAD and engineering design skills in-house.

Market Sector

Engineering Design

Organisation Size





Raising awareness and generating leads for a start-up is always challenging and very time-consuming. Even when you have a great idea for a product or service offering, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin and how to implement a strategy… even if you have one. Mark3D UK were facing this exact situation


They decided to outsource their marketing to Keskidee Marketing who through a combination of strategic campaigns, training and ongoing initiatives, kick-started Mark3D UK’s marketing activities and enabled them to achieve treble digit growth.

Read the full story of how we got Mark3D UK’s marketing off to a flying start.

“We needed someone to come in, hit the ground running and take ownership of our marketing to get us off the ground, but also to put the structure, templates and procedures in place so we could take over the reins. I would highly recommend Bridget and Keskidee Marketing to anyone thinking about outsourcing their marketing – you can get on with your job whilst they do a brilliant one!

Ian Weston, Managing Director, Mark3D UK

When we're first contacted by anyone wanting to understand how Keskidee might help, we always suggest that perhaps the first stage might be to book a Discovery Call. This takes the form of an hour or sometimes more where it warrants it, where we talk through the challenges the organisation feel they are facing; get an understanding for what marketing is being done already, how successful it is; whether there is an inhouse team or not and where the organisation really feels they need some help. From that a plan of action is drawn up. There is rarely one size fits all. We like to ensure each plan is unique to your own set of needs and that's where the Discovery Call plays such an important part. So, if you think that might work for you then why not get in touch.